How do I reset my password?

Follow these steps if you've forgotten your password, or if you'd just like to reset it.

Written by Alex Schickling
Updated over a week ago

Resetting your password is a quick and easy process. You can follow the steps below if you've forgotten your password, or if you would just like to update it to something more secure.

Resetting your password differs between the PC and mobile versions of the application. Click one of the following to skip to the instructions that apply to you:

Reset Your Password on Your Computer

Step #1: Click/Tap "Forgot Password?" and Enter Your Email Address

From on your computer's web browser, click "Forgot Password?". The link can be found below the Log In button on the Log In page of the app. Once there, enter the email address associated with your DADO account.

Step #2: Check Your Email Inbox

Next, check the inbox of the email that you entered on Step #1 for an email from that has a subject of "Reset Your Password". Open the email and click "Reset Password".

Step #3: Enter Your New Password

Once the Reset Password page is loaded, enter your email address and new password, then click Submit!

After clicking Submit, you'll be redirected to the Log In page. From there, enter your email address and new password!

Reset Your Password from Your iPhone or iPad

Step #1: Click/Tap "Forgot Password?" and Enter Your Email Address

From the DADO app's login page, tap "Forgot Password?". The link can be found below the Log In button on the Log In page of the app. Once there, enter the email address associated with your DADO account then click "Send Code".

Step #2: Check Your Email Inbox

Next, check the inbox of the email that you entered on Step #1 for an email from that has a subject of "Reset Your Password". Copy the code from the email.

Step #3: Enter Your New Password

Return to the DADO app on your device, then paste the code copied from Step #2 into the Reset Password form. After pasting the code, specify a new password in the fields below and tap "Update Password".

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